Pissed... i think Singapore drivers should learn to be little more considerate in the aspect of giving way... i was like in the bus 168 towards Tampines earlier this evening, and guess what?! i was stuck in the bus for a solid 10 mins!!! Reason?! our dearest Singaporean drivers just refuse to give way to a pathetic bus who holds like 60 passenger on board! How much time difference would it make to allow a bus to cut the lane so that passengers on board the bus can alight on the next stop?!... what kind of drivers are these?! We're such a well developed city with a good government and a wonderful environment to live in, but, sadly, with such inconsiderate Singaporeans around. I'm not saying that all Singaporeans or drivers are like that, I'm just referring to those who just can't "afford" to be a little more considerate.. are we becoming too selfish or are we just can't be bothered??!
Since Play school to Primary school, then to Secondary and Tertiary level, we've always been taught to be courteous. Have we as Singaporeans forgot all that we've learnt?! Look at the mirror and ask yourself this question, how many of us bothered to say "thank you" or "please" to someone we ask for for a favour?! Even the simplest thing such as saying "thank you" to the cleaners in the hawker or "please" to the taxi drivers when we board the cab is so difficult?! Maybe we took things for granted all along or we just can't be bothered...
For someone who is in the service industry, i have to agree that smiling everyday is not easy, to make things worse, when we're having a bad day, the last thing on our mind is to even smile... Well, maybe we have to make a little more effort in doing so... just for those of you who don't know, just a simple gesture of appreciation to someone who has offered a service for you, would really make he/ she feel good. So is this little gestures that hard to do?! These are some of the questions i wanna pose to my friends who are reading the blog..
Maybe we should first start by saying "thank you" or "please" to the people who are helping us, i think that's really nice to start of with right?! not very hard, we'll try aights?!
So, i'll like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to everyone here who has in one way or another helped me along the way and of course YOU! Yes, You.. those fruends who are reading my blog now, THANK YOU Soooooo Much:)
Signing off! Ciaos:)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My Sincere Appreciation:)
Since the day i put up the post regarding the "stones" my mum has in her bladder, i've received lotsa advices from friends out there. Just wanna tell you all that i really appreciate it alot and of course, thank you for taking your time off to read my blog:) Anyhow, just to update you, my mum was sent to the hospital again yesterday cus she felt the same pain on her tummy.. after some checks, the doctor gave her another medication and ask her to rest well.. really painful to see my mum suffering like that...
Well, enough of the emo~ing, school just reopened today... hmm was relatively ok except..... I'M GONNA FAIL MY TICKETING MODULE!! goodness, just 2 weeks of break and i'm feeling so lost when i was in class today.. i just hope i don't fail this module... if not.. i gotta repeat it again, shitty la! guess i just have to work harder and catch up before i regret...:(
ok, time to start my engine going and work hard for this last semester in school!!
Sam, hope you're doing well ah! call me out when u r bored, if not.. you can always accompany me while i study. haha!
Signing off now! ciaos!
Well, enough of the emo~ing, school just reopened today... hmm was relatively ok except..... I'M GONNA FAIL MY TICKETING MODULE!! goodness, just 2 weeks of break and i'm feeling so lost when i was in class today.. i just hope i don't fail this module... if not.. i gotta repeat it again, shitty la! guess i just have to work harder and catch up before i regret...:(
ok, time to start my engine going and work hard for this last semester in school!!
Sam, hope you're doing well ah! call me out when u r bored, if not.. you can always accompany me while i study. haha!
Signing off now! ciaos!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Close Shave...
Guess what happened?
I came home from work at arnd 10 plus last night and i was like chilling and stuff till arnd 1am and i fell asleep... Smart me, i choose to sleep in the hall, so when my family came back at arnd 1.30am, the noise they made while opening the door woke me up:(.. so things were ok, i woke up, my dad went to the kitchen and cook his instant noodles while my sisters started bathing and stuff....
Guess what happened next??
My sister ran out of the room and told us tt my mum was complaining of a pain at her bottom right stomach... and when she went to the toilet to urine, she saw blood in her urine... omgoodnss! i was freaked out! Immediately, i asked my dad to rush her to the hospital... but........my mum just refused to... i guess the pain was too excruciating that she couldn't even stand up... So, by force, we helped her up and drove her to the hospital.. tt was arnd 2.15am... Cux my mum was holding on to my dad, i had to drive them all the way to Changi Hospital... goodness, the whole journey was super tense... i was super worried, ignoring the turns and traffic lights, i practically speed all the way to the hospital...
When we arrived in the hospital, my dad went in with my mum first while i proceeded down to the carpark to park the car... when i went up to the A&E area, the facial expression of my mum really drained me emotionally... you know the pain on her face and how much she's suffering really made me feel like crying... Cus for all these 20 years, i've never seen my mum suffering like this before.. she's always the super woman that we often took for granted... Always the one taking care of our daily meals, washing, ironing and packing the house all by herself... To be honest, at the age of 20, i still can't iron my shirt properly! what a shame right?!
Anyhow, after the check, the doctor found out that she has a lot of "stones" in her bladder and that's what's contributing to the pain she's suffering from. Thank goodness the "stones" are small and they can be "flushed" out of the body only if my mum drinks more water. I thank God that she does not need to be admitted or go through an operation:)
Anyway, just to share with you people! The Doctor told us that in a woman's life, there would be two sufferings that she would have to go through. FIrst, it's pregnancy and Second, it's this "stone" thingy... yeah, so for the ladies out there, be prepared... and for the Guys, be prepared too.. i heard from my mum that Guys can also have "stone" at your "BIRDY" area.... so... take care ah!
Anyhow, i'm just glad that my mum is feeling better though the pain has not gone completely... Friends, please pray for my mummy:) Would really appreciate it:))
AIghts, signing off now! ciaos!
I came home from work at arnd 10 plus last night and i was like chilling and stuff till arnd 1am and i fell asleep... Smart me, i choose to sleep in the hall, so when my family came back at arnd 1.30am, the noise they made while opening the door woke me up:(.. so things were ok, i woke up, my dad went to the kitchen and cook his instant noodles while my sisters started bathing and stuff....
Guess what happened next??
My sister ran out of the room and told us tt my mum was complaining of a pain at her bottom right stomach... and when she went to the toilet to urine, she saw blood in her urine... omgoodnss! i was freaked out! Immediately, i asked my dad to rush her to the hospital... but........my mum just refused to... i guess the pain was too excruciating that she couldn't even stand up... So, by force, we helped her up and drove her to the hospital.. tt was arnd 2.15am... Cux my mum was holding on to my dad, i had to drive them all the way to Changi Hospital... goodness, the whole journey was super tense... i was super worried, ignoring the turns and traffic lights, i practically speed all the way to the hospital...
When we arrived in the hospital, my dad went in with my mum first while i proceeded down to the carpark to park the car... when i went up to the A&E area, the facial expression of my mum really drained me emotionally... you know the pain on her face and how much she's suffering really made me feel like crying... Cus for all these 20 years, i've never seen my mum suffering like this before.. she's always the super woman that we often took for granted... Always the one taking care of our daily meals, washing, ironing and packing the house all by herself... To be honest, at the age of 20, i still can't iron my shirt properly! what a shame right?!
Anyhow, after the check, the doctor found out that she has a lot of "stones" in her bladder and that's what's contributing to the pain she's suffering from. Thank goodness the "stones" are small and they can be "flushed" out of the body only if my mum drinks more water. I thank God that she does not need to be admitted or go through an operation:)
Anyway, just to share with you people! The Doctor told us that in a woman's life, there would be two sufferings that she would have to go through. FIrst, it's pregnancy and Second, it's this "stone" thingy... yeah, so for the ladies out there, be prepared... and for the Guys, be prepared too.. i heard from my mum that Guys can also have "stone" at your "BIRDY" area.... so... take care ah!
Anyhow, i'm just glad that my mum is feeling better though the pain has not gone completely... Friends, please pray for my mummy:) Would really appreciate it:))
AIghts, signing off now! ciaos!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Food and Party!!
Good Sunday to all of you:) Guess what? My parents... or rather, my whole family is overseas again... yeah, another weekend alone at home with me, myself and my laptop! LOl! kinda like this kind of life occasionally cus it makes sit down at home, listen to songs, reflect on my week and of course, get some buddies over to my place for some Mah-jong sessions! haha!
Anyways, it was mad drinking for me yesterday.. i'm suppose to have a meeting at DXO which landed me high and all cus DXO were celebrating their 2nd anniversary and drinks were all free flow till 10.30pm!! wohooo~~ After that, i met up with my ROC buddies and drove down to somewhere near chijmes to makan!! Guess what?!.. we had like 2 humongous plates of Fried Oyster and 1 plate of Carrot Cake! , then.... .....DRANK again!! yeah, we're at baroque, had some wine and baileys... and we left there around say.. hmm... 2.30am?! oh... i'm so gonna introduce to you all this place, i used to work there and now, i'm bringing my friends there! check them out, here's the webby: http://www.lebaroque.com.sg/ ..... i guarantee you an enjoyable experience... most importantly, check out the performance by our ex Singapore Idol judge, Douglous Oliviero! His stage performance is superbly magnificent:)
Oh ya... and on fri night, my family and i went to this seafood restaurant near Simpang Bedok to celebrate my granny's 83rd birthday. haha! know what's the name of the restaurant?! It's "BIG EATER SEAFOOD" restaurant... yeah, the name explains it all. the food there is superbly good. For those of you who knows the road well, it's at 34, Jalan Pari Burong Picardy Gardens S488700. here's the telephone number of the place if you're interested: "6247268"... Oh ya, it's very easily spotted. the place is at the extreme right corner just beside a canal with lotsa crab shells as their decor (i even drew on some of the crab shells:) let me recommend you a few dishes there... Try out the crab in salted eggs sauce and their ying yang pork ribs!! whoo! superbly delicious!
haha! ok, enough of food, my saliva is dripping already! okok, signing off now, Ciaos:)
Anyways, it was mad drinking for me yesterday.. i'm suppose to have a meeting at DXO which landed me high and all cus DXO were celebrating their 2nd anniversary and drinks were all free flow till 10.30pm!! wohooo~~ After that, i met up with my ROC buddies and drove down to somewhere near chijmes to makan!! Guess what?!.. we had like 2 humongous plates of Fried Oyster and 1 plate of Carrot Cake! , then.... .....DRANK again!! yeah, we're at baroque, had some wine and baileys... and we left there around say.. hmm... 2.30am?! oh... i'm so gonna introduce to you all this place, i used to work there and now, i'm bringing my friends there! check them out, here's the webby: http://www.lebaroque.com.sg/ ..... i guarantee you an enjoyable experience... most importantly, check out the performance by our ex Singapore Idol judge, Douglous Oliviero! His stage performance is superbly magnificent:)
Oh ya... and on fri night, my family and i went to this seafood restaurant near Simpang Bedok to celebrate my granny's 83rd birthday. haha! know what's the name of the restaurant?! It's "BIG EATER SEAFOOD" restaurant... yeah, the name explains it all. the food there is superbly good. For those of you who knows the road well, it's at 34, Jalan Pari Burong Picardy Gardens S488700. here's the telephone number of the place if you're interested: "6247268"... Oh ya, it's very easily spotted. the place is at the extreme right corner just beside a canal with lotsa crab shells as their decor (i even drew on some of the crab shells:) let me recommend you a few dishes there... Try out the crab in salted eggs sauce and their ying yang pork ribs!! whoo! superbly delicious!
haha! ok, enough of food, my saliva is dripping already! okok, signing off now, Ciaos:)
Friday, June 15, 2007
hallow! Haven't blogged for a few days and my fingers are feeling itchy already! haha! ok, i just finish doing my part of the OB project that i have to present to my group during our group discussion come friday.. Anyhow, these few days have been good compared to Monday when my day was like screwed! haha!
Anyhow, today i met up with Marcus and Fang Yin again:) ROC CLUB!! Oh ya. after collecting our salary in RASA, we went to this Hong Kong Kim Gary Cafe in VivoCity... I wanna recommend something again!!! I had this really nice but sinful peanut butter jam on thick toast which coast me about $2.3o?! wow! it's superly delicious....!! Accompanied with the Ying Yang drink we had which was actually mixing Coffee and Tea... Phew... was 101% yummy! I'm not sure if this is the webiste for the cafe, but take a look at it... i'm sure it'll make you friends out there drool.... http://sparklette.net/archives/hong-kong-kim-gary-restaurant-toast-of-hong-kong/
Compared to last time, we're having more ROC sessions now cus Marcus is enlisting on July 13!!! wohoo.. while FAng Yin would be enlisting into the Naval Diver Unit in mid September. Phew... fit guy i would say!
Anyways, we were chatting at the coffeeshop opposite our school after dinner when i randomly said this to the guys :"i wanna have a girlfriend, but i don't think i'm ready to get one"... well, it's so true... sometimes i really want someone to stand by me, to be with me and to take care of me.. On the other hand, having gone through relationships in the past, i personally know that i'm not ready or rather, i don't have what it takes to have a girlfriend... Probably it's because of my commitments and my character... i want to achieve alot and i know that in order to achieve that, i must not let other unneccessary factors pull me away from what i want. Futhermore, at the age of 20, i don't even have a stable income to support myself and i'm still living on pocket money given by my parents for my daily expenses, so what capability do i have to get a girlfriend.. To make things worse, why should we be spending our parent's hard earned money on other people?! Well, i know that i may be working part time, but that money is just too little to even sustain my own SHOPPING SPREES! haha! well.. Talking about taking care of someone, maybe i should learn how to take care of myself first! haha!
Okok, signing off now.. i still gotta attend a day camp tomorrow! Ciaos!
Anyhow, today i met up with Marcus and Fang Yin again:) ROC CLUB!! Oh ya. after collecting our salary in RASA, we went to this Hong Kong Kim Gary Cafe in VivoCity... I wanna recommend something again!!! I had this really nice but sinful peanut butter jam on thick toast which coast me about $2.3o?! wow! it's superly delicious....!! Accompanied with the Ying Yang drink we had which was actually mixing Coffee and Tea... Phew... was 101% yummy! I'm not sure if this is the webiste for the cafe, but take a look at it... i'm sure it'll make you friends out there drool.... http://sparklette.net/archives/hong-kong-kim-gary-restaurant-toast-of-hong-kong/
Compared to last time, we're having more ROC sessions now cus Marcus is enlisting on July 13!!! wohoo.. while FAng Yin would be enlisting into the Naval Diver Unit in mid September. Phew... fit guy i would say!
Anyways, we were chatting at the coffeeshop opposite our school after dinner when i randomly said this to the guys :"i wanna have a girlfriend, but i don't think i'm ready to get one"... well, it's so true... sometimes i really want someone to stand by me, to be with me and to take care of me.. On the other hand, having gone through relationships in the past, i personally know that i'm not ready or rather, i don't have what it takes to have a girlfriend... Probably it's because of my commitments and my character... i want to achieve alot and i know that in order to achieve that, i must not let other unneccessary factors pull me away from what i want. Futhermore, at the age of 20, i don't even have a stable income to support myself and i'm still living on pocket money given by my parents for my daily expenses, so what capability do i have to get a girlfriend.. To make things worse, why should we be spending our parent's hard earned money on other people?! Well, i know that i may be working part time, but that money is just too little to even sustain my own SHOPPING SPREES! haha! well.. Talking about taking care of someone, maybe i should learn how to take care of myself first! haha!
Okok, signing off now.. i still gotta attend a day camp tomorrow! Ciaos!
Monday, June 11, 2007
"If you love someone, set her free. If she comes back to you, it is yours forever. If it flies away, it was never yours to begin with."
Friends, don't you agree with what i'm saying? Well, some may agree, some may not... But to me, it's definitely a test of faith. By faith i trust in God that He'll prepare and lead my destiny. It may not be easy, but it's not impossible.
I may be a person who is rash in words that i don't mean seriously... Probably i'm just someone who speaks out what i feel... i'm extremely straightforward and stubborn to a certain extend when it comes to relationship...
I'll like to apologise to a lot of people i've hurt throughout the years... A sincere apology from Joel to those who i've hurt directly or indirectly thorughout the years.
Friends, don't you agree with what i'm saying? Well, some may agree, some may not... But to me, it's definitely a test of faith. By faith i trust in God that He'll prepare and lead my destiny. It may not be easy, but it's not impossible.
I may be a person who is rash in words that i don't mean seriously... Probably i'm just someone who speaks out what i feel... i'm extremely straightforward and stubborn to a certain extend when it comes to relationship...
I'll like to apologise to a lot of people i've hurt throughout the years... A sincere apology from Joel to those who i've hurt directly or indirectly thorughout the years.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Relax One Corner, ROC! Yes, that's what it means... Yup, that's what i've been doing for the past few days... lotsa late night mah~jong sessions and chilling out at coffee house and pubs... Really like this kind of carefree life! Haha!
Know what happen earlier?! K... here it goes... I met Mark at the Coffee Club in Siglap like 8pm and we got ourselves a drink over there while people watching... then Kelly joined us around 9pm and he was like complaining that he's hungry... so you know Cafe Cartel is like beside Coffee Club, so we practically crossed over after paying for our drinks at Coffee Club and sat at Cafe Cartel for dinner! haha! so wierd la! Anyhow, you know cheapo like me would always source for cheap food! Lol! Oh ya... For those of you who don't know or can't remember, Cafe Cartel sell their cakes for 1/2 price after 9pm!! So grab your cakes only after that! wahahah! Oops! i didn't say that, Sorry Cartel!
Anyway, back to the point, I think that the Polytechnic has done extremely well in term of allowing the students to enjoy their holidays. Unlike Secondary schools or Junior Colleges, Polytechnics would try as much as possible not to "touch" your holidays. This means that they would allow their students to enjoy their holidays without calling you back for remedials or supplementary classes. Uh huh... Jealous eh?! haha! Yeah, i think this is one of the best ways to motivate the students to work harder.. You know there's this saying... "XIU XI SHI WEI LE ZHOU GEN CHANG DE LU".. To translate, it means: To rest is good as it prepares you for your journey ahead! I hope i'm interpreting it right! haha!
Anyways, yeah, this holidays would be a good time for me to revitalise, prepare and get ready for the next term in semester 3.1 as well as my attachment in 3.2.
Talking about revitalising, goodness! I'm like having late nights every other day! waahaha! okok, this shall be my last week of enjoying and i had better put my holidays into good use.. like!?!?!!?.... doing my projects and stuff?! haha! Yeah, there's so many things to do this holidays!
Ok... before i end off, Friends, go and watch Shrek 3, it's super duperly funny! As for Pirates of the Carribean... hmm... personally i think that it's a little too draggy... Anyhow, go and enjoy yourselves this June! Most importantly, remember to drink lotsa water cux the weather nowadays is terribly WARM! Phew..
Ok, Signing off now! Ciaos!
Know what happen earlier?! K... here it goes... I met Mark at the Coffee Club in Siglap like 8pm and we got ourselves a drink over there while people watching... then Kelly joined us around 9pm and he was like complaining that he's hungry... so you know Cafe Cartel is like beside Coffee Club, so we practically crossed over after paying for our drinks at Coffee Club and sat at Cafe Cartel for dinner! haha! so wierd la! Anyhow, you know cheapo like me would always source for cheap food! Lol! Oh ya... For those of you who don't know or can't remember, Cafe Cartel sell their cakes for 1/2 price after 9pm!! So grab your cakes only after that! wahahah! Oops! i didn't say that, Sorry Cartel!
Anyway, back to the point, I think that the Polytechnic has done extremely well in term of allowing the students to enjoy their holidays. Unlike Secondary schools or Junior Colleges, Polytechnics would try as much as possible not to "touch" your holidays. This means that they would allow their students to enjoy their holidays without calling you back for remedials or supplementary classes. Uh huh... Jealous eh?! haha! Yeah, i think this is one of the best ways to motivate the students to work harder.. You know there's this saying... "XIU XI SHI WEI LE ZHOU GEN CHANG DE LU".. To translate, it means: To rest is good as it prepares you for your journey ahead! I hope i'm interpreting it right! haha!
Anyways, yeah, this holidays would be a good time for me to revitalise, prepare and get ready for the next term in semester 3.1 as well as my attachment in 3.2.
Talking about revitalising, goodness! I'm like having late nights every other day! waahaha! okok, this shall be my last week of enjoying and i had better put my holidays into good use.. like!?!?!!?.... doing my projects and stuff?! haha! Yeah, there's so many things to do this holidays!
Ok... before i end off, Friends, go and watch Shrek 3, it's super duperly funny! As for Pirates of the Carribean... hmm... personally i think that it's a little too draggy... Anyhow, go and enjoy yourselves this June! Most importantly, remember to drink lotsa water cux the weather nowadays is terribly WARM! Phew..
Ok, Signing off now! Ciaos!
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hey friends, how was your day?
Mine was a really crazy one! I had to wake up like 10am in the morning to rush for an appointment... it ended at 12pm and i had to rush for a lunch appointment which was at 12.30pm!! Then, i had to do some research on a really cool place in Arab Street which is somewhat like a cafe, but it has movie screenings inside...(It supports local films!!) Wait... haven't end yet... then after the lunch, i had to go back to Temasek Polytechnic for training!! Phew... wad a mad rushing day huh! haha!
Anyway, for those of you who adores good food like me, i have a really good recommendation for you!! A crazy fan of Middle Eastern and Western Cuisine?? Well, i have a good place for u guys to check out some quality food and good "Lepak" (Relax) corner! Check out Amirah's Grill Restaurant at Arab street! GOodness, i assure you, they serve really good food and quality desserts! What's more important, it cost only $9.90 per person for a lunch buffet that starts from 12pm to 4pm daily! anyway, here's the website, go and take a look! http://www.amirahsgrill.com
Ok and if you wanna find somewhere to chillout~ and relax with your friends, there's this new place in 63 Haji Lane called : Pitch Black... It opens daily from 5 till late and they have movie screenings at 8pm daily!! Go.. Go and check out the place, it's really cool! They do serve alcohol so don't worry friends! haha! Most if all, they have quite a good range of finger food and mains that you can choose from, so what are you waiting for?
here's the website: www.pitchblack.com.sg ... so what are you waiting for?> Go and check it out!! wahaha!!
Phew... they should like give me some commission for advertising for them.. well, word- of- mouth is the best marketing tool isn't it? haha! Go and enjoy my friends((:
Signing off! Ciaos!
Mine was a really crazy one! I had to wake up like 10am in the morning to rush for an appointment... it ended at 12pm and i had to rush for a lunch appointment which was at 12.30pm!! Then, i had to do some research on a really cool place in Arab Street which is somewhat like a cafe, but it has movie screenings inside...(It supports local films!!) Wait... haven't end yet... then after the lunch, i had to go back to Temasek Polytechnic for training!! Phew... wad a mad rushing day huh! haha!
Anyway, for those of you who adores good food like me, i have a really good recommendation for you!! A crazy fan of Middle Eastern and Western Cuisine?? Well, i have a good place for u guys to check out some quality food and good "Lepak" (Relax) corner! Check out Amirah's Grill Restaurant at Arab street! GOodness, i assure you, they serve really good food and quality desserts! What's more important, it cost only $9.90 per person for a lunch buffet that starts from 12pm to 4pm daily! anyway, here's the website, go and take a look! http://www.amirahsgrill.com
Ok and if you wanna find somewhere to chillout~ and relax with your friends, there's this new place in 63 Haji Lane called : Pitch Black... It opens daily from 5 till late and they have movie screenings at 8pm daily!! Go.. Go and check out the place, it's really cool! They do serve alcohol so don't worry friends! haha! Most if all, they have quite a good range of finger food and mains that you can choose from, so what are you waiting for?
here's the website: www.pitchblack.com.sg ... so what are you waiting for?> Go and check it out!! wahaha!!
Phew... they should like give me some commission for advertising for them.. well, word- of- mouth is the best marketing tool isn't it? haha! Go and enjoy my friends((:
Signing off! Ciaos!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Gone are the studying and mugging in Macs or TCC, i'm gonna be free from studying from today till the 24th of JUNE!!! Hmm... gonna take some time off to catch up with my friends, do some shopping and of course, get some "drinks", the party mood is here again:))
Anyhow, i had my Organisational Behaviour test today... was relatively ok, i got all the points which i needed to answer the question. Right, now i'll leave it to God to determine my results! haha! Oh ya... i was doing my paper just now, then it was like 1330 when i was at the second part of the paper, as usual, i plan my time while doing the paper so as not to rush through it. Guess what, shit happens! When i finish writing my answer for the second question, i realised that i wrote all the wrong points... Panicky, i cancelled the entire page of answers i wrote and started on question 2 again... and it was already 1340!! OMG! i was like panicking all over~~ well, thank God, i managed to finish the paper just 30 seconds before the time was up! phew~~~ Close shave i would say! haha!
hmm... now that the test is over, i shall concentrate on my SLEEP and SHOPPING that i've missed out.. as for now, i'm too tired to do anything today.. maybe i'll just meet up a few buddies tonight for KOPI and that's it.. as for now, it's sleeping time!! haha!
Oh ya, friends out there, i'm free now, call me out!! Lol!
signing off! ciaos:))
Anyhow, i had my Organisational Behaviour test today... was relatively ok, i got all the points which i needed to answer the question. Right, now i'll leave it to God to determine my results! haha! Oh ya... i was doing my paper just now, then it was like 1330 when i was at the second part of the paper, as usual, i plan my time while doing the paper so as not to rush through it. Guess what, shit happens! When i finish writing my answer for the second question, i realised that i wrote all the wrong points... Panicky, i cancelled the entire page of answers i wrote and started on question 2 again... and it was already 1340!! OMG! i was like panicking all over~~ well, thank God, i managed to finish the paper just 30 seconds before the time was up! phew~~~ Close shave i would say! haha!
hmm... now that the test is over, i shall concentrate on my SLEEP and SHOPPING that i've missed out.. as for now, i'm too tired to do anything today.. maybe i'll just meet up a few buddies tonight for KOPI and that's it.. as for now, it's sleeping time!! haha!
Oh ya, friends out there, i'm free now, call me out!! Lol!
signing off! ciaos:))
Monday, June 4, 2007
MOnday Blues...
Good afternoon dear friends :) was chatting with Clement (the rising Assistant Producer in Mediacorp) online while studying yesterday... Know what, i'm really glad that friends of mine do read up on my blog cus it's one of the best ways for them to understand me and how i feel... well, it's always easier to type out then say it out isn't it?! LOL. Anyway, i went to sleep only at 5am in the morning and i woke up at 12.30pm this afternoon. Guess what? I am now in school studying again!!! Well, just 1 more day before i sit for my 1st and final term- test of the semester, so must CHIONG~~!!
Anyhow, these past few years in polytechnic have been a rocky journey for me.. been through lotsa ups and downs and what i've learnt from it is that we have to stand firm! Yes, what CLement say is right... we have to strike a balance between being nice to people and standing firm on our rights! Well, enough of saying, we have to practise it too... PPL out there, don't be shaken easily, lets stand firm and live our dreams!!
Hmm... i'm always talking about dreams and stuff... let me share with you people my short- term and long- term goals aights?!
Short- term goals:
1_ Work towards my goal in acting and do my very best out if it (who knows, it might just be my full time job in the future??!!)
2_ Study, Study and Study... i gotta study real hard to achieve and move on to my long- term goal
3_ Make more time for my family and friends around me
4_ Talk to God on a regualar basis
5_ Change all my bad habits!!
Long -term goals:
1_ Work towards my goal of opening a Bistro
2_ Having a stable job and a family (Maslow Hierarchy of Needs) haha!
3_ Owning my 1st car by the age of 26
Goals are just goals, it's up to us to make it happen:) So live your dream, work towards it people! Grab every opportunities you've got!
Time to continue studying
Signing off, Ciaos:)
Anyhow, these past few years in polytechnic have been a rocky journey for me.. been through lotsa ups and downs and what i've learnt from it is that we have to stand firm! Yes, what CLement say is right... we have to strike a balance between being nice to people and standing firm on our rights! Well, enough of saying, we have to practise it too... PPL out there, don't be shaken easily, lets stand firm and live our dreams!!
Hmm... i'm always talking about dreams and stuff... let me share with you people my short- term and long- term goals aights?!
Short- term goals:
1_ Work towards my goal in acting and do my very best out if it (who knows, it might just be my full time job in the future??!!)
2_ Study, Study and Study... i gotta study real hard to achieve and move on to my long- term goal
3_ Make more time for my family and friends around me
4_ Talk to God on a regualar basis
5_ Change all my bad habits!!
Long -term goals:
1_ Work towards my goal of opening a Bistro
2_ Having a stable job and a family (Maslow Hierarchy of Needs) haha!
3_ Owning my 1st car by the age of 26
Goals are just goals, it's up to us to make it happen:) So live your dream, work towards it people! Grab every opportunities you've got!
Time to continue studying
Signing off, Ciaos:)
Sunday, June 3, 2007
It's a Sunday:) So?
Yes, it's a sunday... so?? like every Christian, i'm suppose to be spending this sabbath day resting and appreciating what our heavenly Father has created for us... Instead, here i am now at TCC in Siglap studying for my term test?! Oh my goodness gracious! Well, so it's just me, my latte, my lappy and of course my lecture notes to keep me company through this sunday:((
Anyhow, i missed church today (oops!) cus i reached home real "early" in the morning after studying a Macdonalds the entire night with a few of the East side buddies who are from my course:))
Haha! this is something for you all to think about, sometimes i think that it's rather ironic... you know we have a home that is filled with food, air- con, bed, toilet and of course wireless connections, but, we choose to go out and study instead. haha! to make it worse, sometimes the seats or the environment is just not the right place for studying... Well, but people like me just like it! TAke today for instance, instead o staying at home to study, i choose to come to TCC on a sunday afternoon when it's super packed and noisy!! wahahaha!! guess that's just me:)
Enough of bitching and stuff, time for me to study for my term test... just 2 more days to holidays! i'm coming!!!!!!!
Signing off! ciaos:))
Anyhow, i missed church today (oops!) cus i reached home real "early" in the morning after studying a Macdonalds the entire night with a few of the East side buddies who are from my course:))
Haha! this is something for you all to think about, sometimes i think that it's rather ironic... you know we have a home that is filled with food, air- con, bed, toilet and of course wireless connections, but, we choose to go out and study instead. haha! to make it worse, sometimes the seats or the environment is just not the right place for studying... Well, but people like me just like it! TAke today for instance, instead o staying at home to study, i choose to come to TCC on a sunday afternoon when it's super packed and noisy!! wahahaha!! guess that's just me:)
Enough of bitching and stuff, time for me to study for my term test... just 2 more days to holidays! i'm coming!!!!!!!
Signing off! ciaos:))
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Friends, how are all of you?!! anyhow, i just wanna thank those of you who have been faithfully reading my blog. hmm... today was a pretty tiring day, woke up real early for dunno whatever reasons and i'm like super tired now... well, guess it's just me, no matter what time i sleep, i would definitely wake up before 12pm. haha! anyhow, i'm rehearsing for an audition that is coming up... here's my audition video that my sister posted on youtube... take a look and tell me how's it aights:))
Friends, how are all of you?!! anyhow, i just wanna thank those of you who have been faithfully reading my blog. hmm... today was a pretty tiring day, woke up real early for dunno whatever reasons and i'm like super tired now... well, guess it's just me, no matter what time i sleep, i would definitely wake up before 12pm. haha! anyhow, i'm rehearsing for an audition that is coming up... here's my audition video that my sister posted on youtube... take a look and tell me how's it aights:))
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