Phew.. Such a tiring day today!! I don't know for whatever reasons, the first stupid thing, i woke up exceptionally early today and i just couldn't sleep after that.. so being a hungry hippo, i decided to make my way to the kitchen and make some breakfast for myself... there goes, once i started eating, i just couldn't stop! haha:) anyhow, after all that i was all ready and i set out for school... so everything went ok (well, at least i thought so...) until i took out my diary from my bag and i realised that i've got an appointment with the Director of FnB in the Swiss club at 3pm... so after my lecture, i had to rush all the way home, cahnged into my formal attire, ad.... haha! ate some food before i set off to the Swiss club.. Goodness, guess what, all in all i spent $30 on cab fare just travelling to and fro from home to the Swiss club and from Swiss club back home..
Well, enough of all the crap, the people working in the Swiss club are really nice... Be it attending to me and stuff, they were all really friendly and courteous... so after spending my whole afternoon in the Swiss Club walking up and down for orientation and of course getting to know what i'm suppose to do, i left the Club at 5pm and rushed home to prepare for training..
Ok, now, the other stupid thing i did today was to "whack" a few pieces of Mummy's home cooked beef rendang before i went for my training... Goodness! when i was sprinting, i could feel the Rendang gravy coming out of my throat... tell u, you'll never want to experience that... Bla Bla Bla... training went on ok with a few year ones falling out cus they couldn't take the strenuous training... until suddenly one guy just happen to complain that he's having a bad headache... so our lifeguards had to rush an ambulance down to send him to the Hospital... thank goodness nothing happen to him..
Anyhow... i had quite a tiring day today, rushing from places to places, guess i'm gonna have an early night tonight!
ok, signing off here! ciaos!
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