Monday, June 11, 2007


"If you love someone, set her free. If she comes back to you, it is yours forever. If it flies away, it was never yours to begin with."
Friends, don't you agree with what i'm saying? Well, some may agree, some may not... But to me, it's definitely a test of faith. By faith i trust in God that He'll prepare and lead my destiny. It may not be easy, but it's not impossible.
I may be a person who is rash in words that i don't mean seriously... Probably i'm just someone who speaks out what i feel... i'm extremely straightforward and stubborn to a certain extend when it comes to relationship...
I'll like to apologise to a lot of people i've hurt throughout the years... A sincere apology from Joel to those who i've hurt directly or indirectly thorughout the years.

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